Self-referral support
Our alliance partners offer a wide range of groups offering different types of support. There is also one-to-one support available and support for parents. No referrals are needed.
If you feel the child or young person who has come to you would benefit from some support while they are waiting to be seen by us, please consider signposting them to Kooth.
Children and young people aged between 11 and 19 can access 24/7 immediate online support. This service is free, confidential and anonymous. They simply log on to for online mental health counselling and well-being support. They can also access an extensive selection of self-help information and guidance.
YMCA East Surrey
A vibrant, local charity that helps vulnerable children, young people and adults to belong, contribute and thrive. The wide range of projects and activities aim to help create happy, healthy and connected communities in East Surrey.
Surrey Young People’s Substance Misuse Service (SYPSMS) is a county-wide specialist treatment service for young people aged up to 25. It offers free and confidential advice and support.
Mindworks Neurodevelopmental out-of-hours phone line
This provides advice to parents and carers who are struggling with behaviours or difficulties which could be related to neurodevelopmental need, such as autism or ADHD.
Our skilled and friendly advisers will talk carers and families through ways of calming down difficult situations and remind them of their coping strategies.
It runs from 5pm until 11pm, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Please call 0300 222 5755.
Other organisations, links and apps
Or view a list of helpful organisations and links.