Service Description

Smart Moves®  is an invaluable teacher-led, pupil programme made up of multiple evidence-based short sessions contained in a book.

Designed uniquely for schools, it is instrumental in supporting and preparing pupils for the move from Primary to Secondary, (both before and after), by equipping them with a range of small learnable skills or “Smart Moves” which will increase resilience and help pupils address common anxieties related to school transition.

Based on Boing Boing’s Resilience Framework, developed by Professor Angie Hart and Dr Derek Blincow, and with help from Helen Thomas and a group of parents and practitioners, Smart Moves programmes are available for Yr 6, 7 and 8, and are delivered by staff in the classroom setting. Pupils work through varied topics in a workbook and group discussions are facilitated. 

Smart Moves® Next Steps is our new edition created for SEND pupils in Yr 5 & 6 (adapted from Smart Moves Yr6) and is best delivered by SENDCos or Learning Support Assistants that have experience of running targeted group work.  
A teacher guidebook accompanies every pack of pupil books ordered, to help staff facilitate the sessions. 
Each pupil receives their own individual workbook to write in and keep at the end.

Skills learned help pupils gain confidence and improve their ability to cope with change and thrive. 
Consistent language and models are used across the different school stages to help young people embed the new skills. 

The programme contains multiple sessions that can be spread over term time. Sessions can be as long or short as required to fit schedules. Ideal for tutor time. The varied and interesting topics are relevant to daily life and do not need to be delivered linearly. Staff can freely pick and choose topics to lead on, making them relevant.  

Smart Moves is currently funded for all Surrey schools so they can receive books free of charge.

Eikon are the sole provider of this unique resource. Books can only be ordered from the Eikon website Smart Moves book - The Eikon Charity

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