WAVES is a mental health drop-in youth club (both online and face-to-face) and support group for young people aged between 11-17.
It provides a safe and informal environment for young people where they can:
- Talk about mental health with staff and other young people
- Learn about and explore different coping strategies
- Find out more information about mental health support
- Take part in group activities which promote good mental health
I have never been to a youth club group before outside of school because I never felt I fitted. WAVES is perfect for me. I have made new friends who I know will support me and have learnt a lot.
I can’t imagine not coming to WAVES now, I have so much fun while I am here and I am feeling much more positive about my future. Thanks.
WAVES Meet and Eat
This is a six week programme for Year 5/6 children and their parents. The programme supports young people to start building the confidence and language to talk about mental health and wellbeing and gives parents tools and confidence to support their child at home.
- Children, supported by a Youth Worker, take part in positive mental health discussions and activities including cooking dinner for the whole group
- Parents discuss different mental health topics together with a Mental Health and Wellbeing Worker and work through different strategies they can use at home
- At the end of the session we all come back together and share what we have learnt and have dinner together
It was very powerful being able to sit with other parents and talk about things we were worried about. It made me feel less alone. I now have a support network of others who understand.
I didn’t want to go at first but it was actually really fun and people listened to me and what I thought.
Partner: YMCA East Surrey
Contact: ella.sowton@ymcaeastsurrey.org.uk