Having a child or young person in your family or in your care with mental health issues is difficult and challenging for anyone. We will do everything we can to put you at ease and ensure that your child gets the best possible and most appropriate care for their needs.

Every child or young person is different and may require different services. This section will guide you through each step you need to take as a parent or carer, from your initial concerns to being introduced to our service.

Requests for support from the Mindworks Surrey service can be made by all health, social care and education practitioners. All children and young people need to be registered with a GP in Surrey. We will ensure that every young person is put in contact with the right service and gets the appropriate level of treatment and support.

Call Access and Advice (which is replacing CAMHS Single Point of Access):

  • Call 0300 222 5755.
  • We are open 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday
  • The service is not open on weekends or bank holidays.

Or speak to your GP, school, social worker or health visitor, and ask for help.

Routine Outcome Measures

You may be asked to complete a questionnaire to help us better understand your child’s mental health, family functioning and development, as well as your experience of the service(s). These questionnaires, known as Routine Outcome Measures, are a range of specialist questionnaires that children, young people and their families are asked to complete at various points of your care. The questionnaires cover a range of topics depending on what you and your family are asking for support with and the service(s) which you access.